People Portraits

I have had so much fun painting these moments! I would be happy to create either a charcoal sketch or painting for you. I can do both realistic or abstract work, depending on your preference. 

For pricing information click here: "Pricing/Commissioning"

Mother and Son 11"x14" oil
Hayden 18"x24" oil

Scott Family 16"x20" acrylic and oil

Nifong Grandchild 11"x17" Charcoal/Pencil

Soy and Blue Bear 11"x14" oil
Bride 11"x14" oil

Nephew 12"x16" pencil/charcoal
Branch, Michael, Georgia, and Sawyer 5"x7" oil
Study of an Andrew Wyeth, "The Struggle" 20"x22" oil

Whitten 11"x14" oil
Ben 11"x14" oil

Butler Cousins Painting 16"x20" oil
Steinbicker Cousins Painting 11"x14" oil
Koufman Kids 18"x24" oil

Sawyer Portrait 8"x10" oil

Barefoot Family Portrait 18"x24" oil

Moore Children Painting 16"x20" oil

Gardner Father Son Painting 11"x14" oil

Gardner Daughter 18"x24" oil

Lassiter Children Painting 18x24 acrylic and oil

Margaret and Betsy 11x14 Painting acrylic and oil

Cousins Painting 16x20

Moore Children Paintings 8x10 oil

Branch and Sawyer Pastel Drawing 12x16

Poindexter Cousins Painting 11x14

beach portrait painting
Branch Sr. and Jr. 16x20 acrylic

Evy painting 12x24

Georgia Sketch 11x14

Everhardt Family Painting 11x14

Holden and Taylor Painting 16x20 acrylic

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